The West Coast of Sardinia biking tour

Enjoy the wilderness of Sardinia's western coastline from Alghero to Cagliari

Tour code: SWAC-24
From: May 24, 2024
To: Jun 1, 2024
  1. Number of days: 9 |
  2. Departure: Alghero |
  3. Return: Pula |
  4. Level: Recreational |
  5. Fly in: Alghero |
  6. Fly out: Cagliari
Guided group tour

€ 1899

Inclusions & details
Two dinners; all breakfasts.
Support level
Professional bicycle guide; assistance van; mobile workshop; bars, gels and electrolytes available for sale; group transfer from Alghero airport to Alghero; group transfer from Pula to Cagliari airport; luggage transport; 10% discount on bike rental.
Not included
Flights; extras in hotels, etc. Drinks during dinners; tourist tax (if applicable); travel insurance; private arrival and departure transfers; bike rental.
On request
Individual transfer from Alghero airport to Alghero € 25 p.p.; individual transfer from Pula to Cagliari airport € 60 p.p.; single room supplement € 250 p.p.; bike rental.
Date 1: 24 May 2024
Self guided tour

€ 1099

Inclusions & details
6 nights in a 3-star hotel | 2 nights in a 4-star hotel
Two dinners; all breakfasts.
Support level
Detailed briefing and access to the SardiniaCycling APP with all information about your tour, itinerary, points of interest and all documentation for your trip. Telephone assistance during the tour; 10% discount on bike hire.
Not included
Flights; extras in hotels, etc. Drinks during dinners; tourist tax (if applicable); travel insurance; arrival and departure transfers; bike rental; luggage transport.
On request
Individual transfer from Alghero airport to Alghero € 25 p.p.; individual transfer from Pula to Cagliari airport € 60 p.p.; single room supplement € 250 p.p.; bike rental. Luggage transport (€ 670 + 10 per pax).
Supported tour

€ 1629

Inclusions & details
6 nights in a 3-star hotel | 2 nights in a 4-star hotel
Two dinners; all breakfasts.
Support level
Detailed briefing and access to the SardiniaCycling APP with all information regarding your tour, itinerary, points of interest and all documentation for your trip. Service van; mobile workshop; Canyon bike spare parts, bars, gels and salts available for sale; group transfer from Alghero airport to Alghero; group transfer from Pula to Cagliari airport; luggage transport; 10% discount on bike rental.
Not included
Flights; extras in hotels, etc. Drinks during dinners; tourist tax (if applicable); travel insurance; arrival and departure transfers; bike rental; luggage transport.
On request
Individual transfer from Alghero airport to Alghero € 25 p.p.; individual transfer from Pula to Cagliari airport € 60 p.p.; single room supplement € 250 p.p.; bike rental. Luggage transport (€ 670 + 10 per pax).

Get inspired

Enjoy the wilderness of Sardinia's western coastline from Alghero to Cagliari
Giovanni Lamieri, tour designer at SardiniaCycling

Embark on a captivating journey along the mesmerizing west coast of Sardinia, a biking adventure that unfolds like a tale of natural beauty and cultural richness. Starting in the charming coastal town of Alghero, your path winds through picturesque landscapes and quaint villages, inviting you to explore the wonders of this enchanting island.

Setting off from Alghero, you'll feel the gentle breeze of the Mediterranean sea as you pedal towards Bosa, a town embraced by pastel-hued houses and a river flanked by ancient tanneries, a picturesque blend of history and coastal allure. As you venture onward, the quaint village of Santu Lussurgiu welcomes you with its timeless charm, offering a glimpse into Sardinia's authentic traditions and heritage.

The journey continues to Cabras, where the fusion of history and nature showcases the beauty of the Sinis Peninsula, home to the fascinating ruins of Tharros and the stunning salt flats. Pedaling through the coastal beauty, you'll encounter the majestic Torre dei Corsari, a place where cliffs meet the turquoise sea, creating a breathtaking vista. The journey then leads to Portixeddu, a hidden gem along the coastline, where golden sands and the azure sea paint a serene backdrop. Next, you'll arrive at Sant'Antioco, an island steeped in mythology and history, boasting ancient ruins and pristine beaches. Finally, your adventure culminates in Pula, where the remnants of ancient civilizations merge seamlessly with the vibrant energy of a modern town, offering a perfect conclusion to your unforgettable biking tour.

This expedition promises an easy, yet invigorating ride, with gentle terrains and mild climbs, making it suitable for all levels of cyclists. With the tour predominantly operated in Spring, early Summer, and Autumn, you'll witness the changing colors of the landscape and relish the moderate climate, perfect for an immersive and comfortable biking experience.

As you traverse the idyllic west coast of Sardinia, you'll savor the coastal panoramas, embrace the island's rich history, and forge unforgettable memories in a setting that harmonizes nature's splendor with cultural intrigue.

Ultimately, this biking tour isn't just about the physical activity—it's a holistic experience that blends adventure, culture, and natural beauty, offering a unique perspective on the captivating west coast of Sardinia.

  • Cultural Immersion

    Cycling through charming villages and historical sites, participants get a firsthand experience of Sardinia's rich cultural heritage, ancient ruins, and traditional towns.

  • Scenic Splendor

    The tour showcases the stunning coastal beauty of Sardinia. From golden beaches to cliffs meeting the sea, the landscapes are breathtaking and diverse.

  • Unforgettable Memories

    The journey promises to create lasting memories, from the idyllic coastal vistas to the encounters with local traditions and the sense of accomplishment after completing this scenic route.

  • Seasonal Advantage

    Operating primarily in Spring, early Summer, and Autumn, the tour leverages the island's moderate climate, ensuring a pleasant biking experience without extreme temperatures.


total distance & elevation

  1. 409.8 KM ......
  2. 5,599 M

Our Route

Day 1: Welcome to Sardinia

Arrival at Alghero airport, transfer to Alghero, check-in and welcome.
4-star hotel

Day 2: From Alghero to Bosa

This day begins with a ride through the narrow cobbled streets of old Alghero. From there we continue south along the Riviera del Corallo on a scenic road overlooking the sea with alternating climbs and descents. This rolling coastal road leads to the medieval town of Bosa. It’s the only true river town of Sardinia, and its famous for its wine, embroidery, gold filigree and leather tanneries. Overnight in Bosa.
Distance: 54km
Elevation gain: 895m
Riding terrain: hilly
Riding time: 3h
3-star hotel

Day 3: From Bosa to Santu Lussurgiu

The coast is what attracts most people to our island, but if you want to experience the authentic Sardinia you must head inland. The medieval village of Santu Lussurgiu is a perfect example of the culture, hospitality, gastronomic traditions and the quality of life inland Sardini has to offer. To enjoy all this, we turn away from the coast and climb into the mountains of the Montiferru region. Continuing up we will pass though Tresnuraghes, Sennariolo and Cuglieri. The last of these small villages contains the Basilica of Santa Maria della Neve that you will see long before you reach the town. From Cuglieri, a long climb in the shadow of an oak forest, leads you towards Santu Lussurgiu, where you'll stay overnight.
Distance: 41.9km
Elevation gain: 1,100
Riding terrain: hilly
Riding time: 3,30h
3-star hotel
Breakfast, dinner

Day 4: From Santu Lussurgiu to Cabras

A decidedly relaxing stage allows your legs to recover and gives you time to visit some interesting places. There is the village of Seneghe that is known for its honey and olive oil. The Archaeological Sites of Monte Prama and Tharros will help you connect with ancient history of the island. There are also the beautiful beaches, such as Putzu Idu, Mari Ermi and Cabras. The hardest part of the day will be choosing where to spend your time. The destination is Cabras where warm hospitality await you.
Distance: 50km
Elevation gain: 178m
Riding terrain: mostly flat
Riding time: 2,30h
4-star hotel

Day 5: From Cabras to Torre dei Corsari

The plain of Arborea is only area of Sardinia where you will find flat straight roads. Once a marshy area, as a result of land reclamation it has become one of the most important agricultural areas in Italy. Enjoy this unique region and its flat roads as this is only an intermezzo between the more 'hilly' stages. The stage ends in Torre dei Corsari, with its long dune lined beach. We recommend taking advantage of the flat roads and reach the destination early for a swim in the turquoise sea before staying the night.
Distance: 52.4km
Elevation gain: 314m
Riding terrain: mostly flat
Riding time: 3h
3-star hotel

Day 6: From Torre dei Corsari to Portixeddu

Traversing Sardinia's Costa Verde is the objective of the day. This stretch of coast is characterized by lush nature and beaches with imposing sand dunes. It was once the heart of the island's mining industry and now the vestiges of that past face the constant encroachment of nature. On the bike this is a mountain stage, consisting of three long climbs, although they are never very steep. After all the climbing your reward is a long enjoyable descent, with a view of the gulf that is home to our destination: the small tourist resort of Portixeddu, where dinner and the overnight stay are planned.
Distance: 61.1km
Elevation gain: 1,288m
Riding terrain: hilly
Riding time: 4h
3-star hotel
Breakfast, dinner

Day 7: From Portixeddu to San'Antioco

Before leaving the hotel you should put a large memory card in your camera. This stage offers spectacular views of the coast that you will definitely want to capture in photographs. The coastline of Buggerru, Masua and Nebida has many climbs, but the time you'll spend going uphill is never tedious, as slow place allows these breathtaking views to etch deeply into your memory. A stop at Cala Domestica is a must before tackling the second climb of the day. The last half of the of the stage is mostly flat as you head toward Sant'Antioco, where the overnight stay is planned.
Distance: 69.9km
Elevation gain: 895m
Riding terrain: hilly
Riding time: 4h
3-star hotel

Day 8: From Sant'Antioco to Pula

Leaving Sant'Antioco the first section of todays stage is relatively flat. However, from the moment you pass Porto Pino you will experience the constantly alternating ups and downs that characterize the stage as a whole. The stretch of coastal road from Porto Teulada and Chia is recognized as one of the most beautiful coastal roads in the world. The pale pastels of the rocks and cliffs, the deep greens of the vegetation, and the deep blue and turquoise of the sea stand in stunning contrast to one another. The Aragonese towers (from the Spanish occupation of Sardinia) that once protected the coastline are found at multiple points along way. This superlative road is a fitting way to bring this tour to an end. Overnight in Pula.
Distance: 85.4km
Elevation gain: 986m
Riding terrain: hilly
Riding time: 5h
3-star hotel

Day 9: Goodbye Sardinia

Transfer to Cagliari airport and end of services.


Travel arrangements

We suggest the following arrival an departure locations and the earlier flights will help us arranging transfers or other services like bike rental formalities, bike fitting and all services that are provided individually.
  • landing airport: Alghero
  • departure airport: Cagliari
  • Transfer time from Airport to hotels is about 15 minutes. Transfer time from hotel to Airport is about 50 minutes.

Planning for the The West Coast of Sardinia biking tour

Packing and Weather

Sardinia is a region known for mild Mediterranean weather. It generally features warm, dry weather which makes these rides particularly enjoyable. The spring and fall can see the highs range from the 18s to 25s (Celsius), while the lows are generally between 14 and 18. Summer highs are generally between 28 and 25. We always recommend bringing along riding layers and even a bit of rain (might happen in Spring and Fall) gear so you can keep riding comfortably throughout the day.


Sardinia Cycling arranges group transfers from and to the closest airport for the trip: Alghero/Cagliari. Individual transfers can be also planned and the cost might depend from the departure or arrival location, from the transfer time and it can also be influenced by the presence of bulky luggage, like a bike case. Other transport option is public transport. About this last opportunity, we suggest you using Google Maps and select 'public transport' from and to your selected destination. In any case, we're ready to help you selecting the quicker, smoother and most cost effective solution.

Go Custom

Sometimes your trip on Sardinia simply isn’t long enough! Extend your stay for the best vacation possible. If you wish to spend a few days in our lovely island either before or after your trip, and need assistance making those plans, we're available help. Self guided and supported trips can be extended too and that can happen in any intermediate location along the itinerary: we can help selecting the best one!


One thing riders learn soon is that Sardinia is hilly. The terrain is varied, with gradual and short, or very long and progressive climbs throughout the week. West Coast Bike Tour is best suited for our "Recreational" riders. The routes have been designed to avoid busy roadways, that are very rare in a large a scantly populated island. However, very little urban riding and short sections of busy roads are unavoidable in Sardinia.


See our FAQs page for answers to common questions.

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What you say about us

  • Grazie Giovanni! Wir haben zwei Premium Rennräder für zwei Tage ausgeliehen und waren mit der Qualität der Räder und vor allem des Services mehr als nur zufrieden. Sardinien auf Rädern erkunden ist genial!
  • Superteam, tolle Räder, wunderschöner Urlaub.
  • Sardinien Cycling ist ausserordentlich professionell organisiert. Super Bikes zum Mieten, sehr freundliches und kompetentes Personal! Auch der Lieferservice ist enorm praktisch und zuverlässig. Einmal Sardinia Cycling immer Sardinia Cycling 👍

Opening hours

Please visit us or call us during the following opening hours or leave a voicemail message after the beep and we will call you back on our next business day.
  • Monday
    9 to 13 | 16 to 18
  • Tuesday
    9 to 13 | 16 to 18
  • Wednesday
    9 to 13 | 16 to 18
  • Thursday
    9 to 13 | 16 to 18
  • Friday
    9 to 13 | 16 to 18
  • Saturday
    9 to 13
  • Sunday
    By appointment
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Via Vittorio Emanuele, 27
09045 Quartu Sant'Elena | Italy


Office: +39 070 204 1029
Mobile: +345 541 8808
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